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Co-Op with Sojern

What Makes This Co-Op Program Special?

Benefits That Add to Your Bottom Line

Unrivaled Traveler Insight

Scalable & Customizable

We’ll build, activate, and manage a custom co-op marketing program specific to the needs of your destination and your partners. Each participant campaign is built for the individual partner KPI goals. The campaigns can support partners of all sizes, budget levels, and businesses (DMOs, hotels, attractions, airlines, and more).

Take the guesswork out of travel marketing. Now you can reach and influence potential customers using a personalized data-driven marketing strategy. Our travel insight provides unprecedented visibility into the dynamics of travel.

Multichannel Scale

Capabilities That Can’t Be Matched

We feed a variety of data points into our AI technology to understand who to show an ad to–when travelers are actively searching and booking travel–to engage and convert them at the right moment with the right message to drive them to visit you. We’ll drive visitation with the right travelers, increase visitor spend, and prove economic impact.

Boost your efficiency in customer acquisition almost immediately when you utilize Sojern's deep multichannel scale across multiple digital channels. Delivering the right message at the right time gives your digital marketing campaigns the power to work harder and smarter.

Automated Optimization

Proving the Value of Our Services

Sojern provides co-op reporting at every level. Participants will have 24/7 access to campaign performance reports. Hosts are provided aggregate reports and an Economic Impact Report showing the number of travelers to market, hotel and flight searches and bookings, and an estimated economic impact for the region as a result of the campaign.

Time to maximize your budget for its entire trip down the marketing funnel. By letting Sojern's platform automatically manage budget allocations across digital channels, you can be sure that your campaign is performing at its peak in every conceivable metric.

Professional woman talking on a mobile device and smiling

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If you’re here, you’re looking for help managing your co-op marketing. Looks like you found it.