DCT Abu Dhabi and Sojern Achieve 1.74X ROI & 700+ Room Night Bookings on a Co-Op Campaign

diamond shaped images a various luxurious locations




people reached


room nights booked
Package Used

The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) and 37 hotel properties activated a co-op campaign in partnership with Sojern to drive direct bookings to the hotels and economic impact for Abu Dhabi. It resulted in a 1.74X ROI and 700+ room nights booked from January 2021 to March 2021.

"Due to the phenomenal success of this co-op campaign, we’ve decided to double the amount of hotel properties participating in the campaign. The way Sojern handled this campaign so efficiently from A to Z was amazing, and the outcomes were great. I would recommend all DMOs to test a co-op campaign with Sojern and I'm sure it will drive amazing results for them."

Ahmad Mohamed Hameed
Media Planner, DCT Abu Dhabi


DCT Abu Dhabi works to drive sustainable growth within the tourism sector by bringing in visitors from around the world. With the hospitality industry heavily impacted by the pandemic, the DCT Abu Dhabi team wanted to increase traveler demand and increase direct bookings using a co-op marketing program.


DCT Abu Dhabi utilized Sojern’s Co-op Marketing Program to combine resources with hospitality partners to reach customers with multichannel digital advertising strategies across video, display, native, Facebook, and Instagram. Because of its success, DCT Abu Dhabi expanded its partnership with Sojern to roll out the initiative to all eligible hotels in the city.

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