Constance Hotels & Resorts maximises performance and efficiency with Sojern

images en forme de diamant dans divers lieux luxueux


YOY increase in Sojern-driven revenue (compared to 84% overall)


HTML5 ads across their portfolio of properties


in direct booking revenue across seven properties in the last 6 months
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Constance Hotels & Resorts has partnered with Sojern since 2019, with Sojern running digital marketing on their behalf across programmatic display and Facebook & Instagram. Sojern creates complementary and bespoke ad creatives for the seven properties in the Constance portfolio, saving the team time and resources.

« L'expertise de Sojern maximise nos efforts de marketing numérique. Non seulement nous atteignons nos objectifs de revenus, mais nous gagnons également beaucoup de temps en sous-traitant la conception de nos bannières à Sojern. Nous partageons toutes les informations avec leur équipe créative, et tout est pris en charge. »

Aman Dosieah
Responsable du marketing électronique


The Constance Hotels & Resorts team is a small but nimble team, always looking for ways to work more efficiently. In 2019, they did digital marketing with a few partners, but weren’t seeing the desired results. Moreover, their in-house team spent a lot of time creating static digital banner ads.


This year alone, Sojern drove over $1.4M in direct booking revenue across their eight properties. While overall YOY revenue is up 84% for the group, Sojern-driven revenue is up 294%. Moreover, Sojern-driven bookings have 9% higher ADR. “The creative services are also a major component,” says Aman Dosieah, E Marketing Executive, speaking to their bespoke HTML5 creatives done by Sojern’s design team, “Sojern does all the work and we simply approve. It is so easy to work with Sojern."

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