Migliora le prestazioni su tutta la linea

Coinvolgi i tuoi viaggiatori ideali durante l'intero percorso di ricerca, pianificazione e prenotazione. Le nostre soluzioni di marketing complete mettono la tua messaggistica nel posto giusto al momento giusto. Inoltre, accedi a segmenti di pubblico, strumenti e approfondimenti personalizzati.

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Our Multichannel Solutions Have A Lot of Fans

The bad news: your marketing spend could be going further. The good news: we deliver automated optimization, integrated reporting and de-duplication across channels to do just that. Get greater control and transparency with activation options that were built to be flexible.

  • Display: Reach your target audience with high-quality display, native, and video placements
  • Video: Make deeper connections via the most engaging storytelling medium
  • Native: Boost your content with non-disruptive ads that fit seamlessly into the website experience
  • Social: Find and engage travelers on social media channels like Facebook and Instagram
  • SEM: Execute keyword campaigns on the world’s largest search engines
  • Metasearch: Compete efficiently on the top metasearch engines as your brand defense strategy against the OTAs
  • Email: Integrate email into your arsenal to drive repeat visits, promotions, and ancillary revenue
Mockups of 3 mobiles phones showing display ads, Facebook ads, and a video ad
the sojern travel marketing platform

Management Companies Get Access to Incredible Benefits

The online environment changes rapidly and is showing no signs of slowing down. To stay ahead, management companies like yours need real-time insights, on-demand campaign and reporting tools, responsive creative services, and a support team that’s packed with experts.

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Il tuo marketing digitale sta per migliorare

Le società di gestione di tutto il mondo scelgono Sojern per raggiungere e superare i propri obiettivi di marketing. Vedrai perché.