New eBook: The Destination Marketer’s Guide to Always-On Marketing

Destination marketers can capitalize on travel demand all year round.

June 15, 2023

The reality of today’s travel planning has changed. There has been a fundamental shift in the way travelers plan trips—with demand for travel occurring 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Travelers are finding inspiration wherever they can online, often planning multiple trips at once and conducting research throughout the year.

With price increases and travel returning to pre-pandemic levels, travelers are looking to get more bang for their buck during off-peak times. Destination marketers are often working with a fraction of their past budgets. This creates a hesitancy to invest marketing dollars during low seasons, but that doesn’t mean travelers aren’t still on the move. If you only market for your high seasons, you could be missing out on the opportunity to catch travelers during their planning phase—the moments that matter.

Destination marketers like you can capitalize on this demand with always-on marketing. But, what is always-on marketing?

In our latest eBook, The Destination Marketers Guide to Always-On Marketing, you will gain key insights, like:

  • How always-on marketing works and how you can leverage it for your destination
  • How always-on campaigns compare to typical burst-flight campaigns 
  • How to improve performance and visibility around the planning and booking journey of your ideal travelers
  • How data and custom audiences can help you rethink and adjust your strategies
  • How your peers are using always-on marketing strategies for their campaigns

You can also learn how to use live data, the ability to dynamically segment your audiences, and the power of real-time intent signals to know how and when to engage with a potential traveler.

Download our eBook now to learn how you can use data to be strategic about your spending and make the right investments at the right time.

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