Creating a Website that Converts: The Hotelier’s Guide to Direct Bookings

Hotels that invest in their websites benefit from an increase in direct sales, an enhanced brand image, and as a result, profitability.

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What’s in the Report

From outdated graphics to a clunky user experience, it’s time to re-evaluate your hotel website to grow direct bookings. Our revised Hotelier’s Guide to Direct Bookings offers:

  • Explanations of digital topics and terms
  • Simplifications of SEO and programmatic advertising
  • Tips on highlighting your property’s best assets
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Simplify Your Website

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it really free?

Yes! We hope this information is useful for you, and you'll think of us when you're ready to take the next step with your digital marketing.

How can I leverage my website to drive direct bookings?

Three key elements–simplicity, readability, and branding–allow you to create an engaging website that impacts your conversation rates. In this report, we provide everything you need to know about crafting unique content and showcasing your brand on desktop and mobile.

How does content play a role in my website design strategy?

Content is one of the most important aspects of a website. It helps improve visibility on search engines, communicates the brand, and educates potential guests on services and amenities. It’s one of the few elements firmly within your control—you can update and change it at any time, without the need of an outside designer or web developer. And yet, it’s also one of the most overlooked aspects of a hotel’s site.