Hotel Suite Villa Maria and Sojern Generate €319K in Direct Booking Revenue in One Year

diamond shaped images a various luxurious locations


in direct bookings


booked stays


reservations from new guests
Package Used
Pay on the Stay

Hotel Suite Villa Maria has been a Sojern partner for over a year in order to increase direct bookings from new guests. Using Sojern’s pay-on-the-stay, commission-based advertising solution, as well as specific campaigns in target markets, the partnership has generated over €319K in direct booking revenue.

"Working with Sojern has been easy from the very start. Their recommended strategies have inspired more new guests to visit our website and book directly with us. We have seen an increase in sales month by month and we are very satisfied with the results. We look forward to continue working together."

Robert Vonk


For a hotel, attracting the attention of a potential guest can seem like an uphill battle. There is often a crowded hospitality market, so competition for guests is fierce. This is the situation in which the team at Hotel Suite Villa Maria in Tenerife found itself. They wanted a better way to promote their property to people looking to visit Tenerife, but who weren’t aware of their specific hotel.


Since the partnership began just over a year ago, Sojern has generated €319,587 in direct booking revenue. Sojern’s pay-on-the-stay model means that the Hotel Suite Villa Maria only owes Sojern commission after a guest has completed their stay. Based on this success, Sojern has also launched more targeted Display campaigns in France and Germany—key markets for Hotel Suite Villa Maria.

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